Activities | Introduction of JIPAD | JIPAD | JIPAD is Japan's largest intensive care database

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Annual Reports
In addition to the static annual reports produced each year, dynamic reports including Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) charts have been provided since the 2020 annual report.
As of August 2022, interactive facility-specific reports have also become available.
Collaboration with JICRG and the CTG Committee
Discussions with the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine's CTG Committee began in 2017 to explore future collaborations. In 2020, the Japanese Intensive Care Research Group (JICRG), a board-direct organization, was established to oversee international collaborative research. JIPAD consults this body for international research and collaborates with the CTG Committee on new domestic multicenter studies.
Coordination with International Registries
In collaboration with Dr. Leo Celi from MIT and Dr. David Pilcher from ANZICS, efforts have been made to establish an international registry. The first datathon was held in February 2018, followed by a second in 2019, which can be viewed at the following URLs:
In 2021, with approval from JICRG, we joined the LOGIC (Linking of Global Intensive Care) international collaborative research and are currently considering participation in the Global Open Source Severity of Illness Score (GOSSIC-2) project.
Collaboration with the Pediatric Intensive Care Committee
Since April 2018, JIPAD has incorporated PIM3 and pediatric diagnoses, with pSOFA calculations available since August 2019. We aim to continue making minor updates to align with changes required by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
The Pediatric Intensive Care Committee will continue to encourage PICUs nationwide to participate in JIPAD.
Addition and Modification of Data Collection Items
Support for JIPAD 2.0 ended on April 1, 2020.
Future considerations will include additional items required for calculating ANZROD, such as: Admission source (home, care facility, other hospital, other hospital ICU), Presence of treatment limitations upon ICU admission Reference for ANZROD: Paul E, et al. J Crit Care. 2013; 28: 935-41.
Development of ExJIPAD: Facilities can now freely set their own data collection items in addition to the basic items and output them in CSV format. This system can also be used as a patient registry. Further developments will continue to improve usability.
Adjustment and Addition of Disease Classifications: We will continue to update and refine the JIPAD dictionary to ensure it remains current.
Calculation of Predicted Mortality Rates
ANZICS and the UK's Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC) have developed their own severity scores. JIPAD has established a mortality prediction model specific to Japan (Japanese Risk of Death; JROD), and since the 2020 annual report, predicted mortality rates calculated from JROD have been provided.
2022 Revision of Medical Service Fees
As of April 2022, an extension of the days eligible for additional specific intensive care management fees was approved, with participation in JIPAD being a requirement. For more details, please refer to the following link:
Addressing Increased Workload
The number of participating facilities has nearly reached 100, with further growth expected. Similar challenges have been faced by other registry organizations like ANZICS following their establishment. We are currently exploring strategies to address this, considering collaboration with the NPO Intensive Care Collaboration Network.